My Diary

My Favorite Quotes

 The best and most beautiful things in
the world cannot be seen or even touched
they must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller


It is during our darkest moments that
we must focus to see the light.



Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Success usually comes to those who are
too busy to be looking for it

Henry David Thoreau


I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.

Estee Lauder


If you really look closely, most overnight
successes took a long time.

Steve Jobs


Success is walking from failure to failure
with no loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill


Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.

Alexander Graham Bell


The only person you are destined to become is
the person you decide to be.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


What Intrigues Me

  • Social behavior
  • Music
  • Mystery novels, movies
  • Workings of corporate
  • What shall I do today ‘What am I Missing

Books I recommend to read

My favorite Podcasts

  • What’s good podcast – Manumitter and Randolph
  • Past Gas Podcast
  • Misfits Podcast

Next Step? Keep In Touch

I publish a weekly newsletter called “Hriday’s Writings”. It’s an email with the biggest
lessons I learned recently, content I shared with friends, and tools and tips I’m
testing. It’s the best way to keep up with new articles and podcasts.
Mail me to reach out at

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